Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Everyone loves an Intern

The interns are back in the Assembly and they're a good bunch. my particular fave is a guy called Stephen, the most right wing repressed, outrageously shocking politicio I've met - yum!
Seriously though he has some seriously hard core views, indeed his genuine belief is that Iraq and Iran should be Nuked.

Scary but he has a level of charisma that is appealing that's what's really frightening.
We won't even go into his views on immigration, and the Democrats.

I see Blair is wobbling on the gay legislation issue allowing possible opts outs for religious groups.

Do that Tony and you're done in my eyes.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

HI! I just wanted to say that in my opinion Iran should be dealt with, and fast!
I come from a country were we are at constant threat to terrorism and Iran’s nuclear power. I must admit that I'm pretty scared. I don't want to get nuked by Iran thank you very much.

4:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HI! I just wanted to say that in my opinion Iran should be dealt with, and fast!
I come from a country were we are at constant threat to terrorism and Iran’s nuclear power. I must admit that I'm pretty scared. I don't want to get nuked by Iran thank you very much.

4:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Intend to comment on this later but will be mightily pissed off if TB caves in to this religious lobbying. Makes me fume.

Oh, and do you know this brash young american commentator...:-)

5:08 AM  

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